Thursday, September 19, 2024

Living in the Age of AI

At it's core there has always been a complicated history between the man and the machine. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, we as a society have subconsiously grown to fear technology. We don't know the full extent of what artifical intelligence can do. So how can those in power ask us to trust technology confidently? 
Venture capitalists, tech CEOs, and those taking over Silicon Valley base their entire lives off of the newest form of technology and they make billions. Kai-Fu Lee says that within in the next 15 years, 50% of jobs will be threatened by AI. That is not the shocking part, we as a society knew that with the introduction of technology, at one point or another AI was going to take over human jobs.  But I think that it's suprising that we don't talk about that enough. Let's say we do trust AI, let's say for the case of this argument, AI will not take over the human race, but it will take over human jobs what happens then? Do we blame the billionares for making us believe this phenonom, or is it our fault for not listing to our guts? Or has this always been the path that AI was going to take us on?

What I admire about Kai-Fu Lee, is that even those he has investments in artifical intelligence he doesn't sugarcoat the truth. He is very aware of the dangers surrounding it and he wants to warn society of the inevitable. He understands and is more than aware that one of the negative impacts is the decline in human jobs. Jerry Kaplan, a computer scientist and entrepreneur, on the other hand belives in something entirely different. He said something that I think everyone should take away from this new scary era that we are living in. He said that yes it is true that AI is more than likely going to take 50% of the current jobs in society. But with each decade, with each technoloigcal advancment, the jobs of the past are no longer in the present. Think about it operators, travel agents, secretaries( is mass batches) have now seized to exist thanks technoloy. So what makes this technology different from the rest? Why are we now more afraid of AI and our jobs being stolen then ever before? 

Researchers and scientists, have done the work and have connected this new wave of technology, to the Revolution. Maybe as a society, in order to get over this fear that we have, we need to treat AI like the revolution. Yes it was scary for millions of people, we had never had this much access to technology before. We were entering new territory. But even though it was a threat to society and espeically to the farmers , it created a whole new realm of jobs and possibilites. 
So I think that we need to let go of this fear, that AI is going to take our jobs, because they are, its going to happen whether we like it or not. But it doesn't mean we are all going to be without jobs. I think instead, what we need to be afraid of is AI relating to the human mind. The popular game Go is played in China, Japan and South Korea. To those who play it is about more then jusy playing a silly game, it is about learning strategy and developing as a person. AlphaGo was the first to introduce a form of artifical intelligence that could mimic the nueral pathways of a human brain. When tested out against a human being, AlphaGo and AI won and I think that this concept, this theory is the scariest of them all. 
This idea that somehow AI could micmic a human in anyway is teriffying. All I can think about is every movie where the robots have taken over the world. The scientists have said on numerous occasions throughout this documentary that we need to be okay with this technology, and I understand it in terms of job displacement. But we have barely scratched the surface in terms of what AI can do. So how can we be sure and how can we be expected to believe that there isn't even the slighest possibility that artifical intelligence could replace a human being. They may not be able to convey or understand human emotion but it is clear that they can think and come up with solutions and ideas that humans would have never been able to do in hundreds of years. AlphaGo is a perfect example of that, because it created a strategy that in the hundreds of years that this game is played no human ever thought of. 

Why is this not a fear that is awknowledged more? I am more scared of AI attempting to play the role of a human being and manipulate others for a unkown greater outcome, than I am of it taking my job. To say that AI will not can not replace humans is crazy on some level, because what if it does happen? What if the technology gets to be that good that it has to ability to take control of the humans that are controlling? 

I just think that there are a lot of unknown factors connected to AI and no one is 100% confident in their answers and at the end of the day we should be scared of artifical intelligence. It's an unknown terroritory and not having the answers is better then giving false hope. 

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Living in the Age of AI

At it's core there has always been a complicated history between the man and the machine. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, ...