Thursday, September 19, 2024

Living in the Age of AI

At it's core there has always been a complicated history between the man and the machine. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, we as a society have subconsiously grown to fear technology. We don't know the full extent of what artifical intelligence can do. So how can those in power ask us to trust technology confidently? 
Venture capitalists, tech CEOs, and those taking over Silicon Valley base their entire lives off of the newest form of technology and they make billions. Kai-Fu Lee says that within in the next 15 years, 50% of jobs will be threatened by AI. That is not the shocking part, we as a society knew that with the introduction of technology, at one point or another AI was going to take over human jobs.  But I think that it's suprising that we don't talk about that enough. Let's say we do trust AI, let's say for the case of this argument, AI will not take over the human race, but it will take over human jobs what happens then? Do we blame the billionares for making us believe this phenonom, or is it our fault for not listing to our guts? Or has this always been the path that AI was going to take us on?

What I admire about Kai-Fu Lee, is that even those he has investments in artifical intelligence he doesn't sugarcoat the truth. He is very aware of the dangers surrounding it and he wants to warn society of the inevitable. He understands and is more than aware that one of the negative impacts is the decline in human jobs. Jerry Kaplan, a computer scientist and entrepreneur, on the other hand belives in something entirely different. He said something that I think everyone should take away from this new scary era that we are living in. He said that yes it is true that AI is more than likely going to take 50% of the current jobs in society. But with each decade, with each technoloigcal advancment, the jobs of the past are no longer in the present. Think about it operators, travel agents, secretaries( is mass batches) have now seized to exist thanks technoloy. So what makes this technology different from the rest? Why are we now more afraid of AI and our jobs being stolen then ever before? 

Researchers and scientists, have done the work and have connected this new wave of technology, to the Revolution. Maybe as a society, in order to get over this fear that we have, we need to treat AI like the revolution. Yes it was scary for millions of people, we had never had this much access to technology before. We were entering new territory. But even though it was a threat to society and espeically to the farmers , it created a whole new realm of jobs and possibilites. 
So I think that we need to let go of this fear, that AI is going to take our jobs, because they are, its going to happen whether we like it or not. But it doesn't mean we are all going to be without jobs. I think instead, what we need to be afraid of is AI relating to the human mind. The popular game Go is played in China, Japan and South Korea. To those who play it is about more then jusy playing a silly game, it is about learning strategy and developing as a person. AlphaGo was the first to introduce a form of artifical intelligence that could mimic the nueral pathways of a human brain. When tested out against a human being, AlphaGo and AI won and I think that this concept, this theory is the scariest of them all. 
This idea that somehow AI could micmic a human in anyway is teriffying. All I can think about is every movie where the robots have taken over the world. The scientists have said on numerous occasions throughout this documentary that we need to be okay with this technology, and I understand it in terms of job displacement. But we have barely scratched the surface in terms of what AI can do. So how can we be sure and how can we be expected to believe that there isn't even the slighest possibility that artifical intelligence could replace a human being. They may not be able to convey or understand human emotion but it is clear that they can think and come up with solutions and ideas that humans would have never been able to do in hundreds of years. AlphaGo is a perfect example of that, because it created a strategy that in the hundreds of years that this game is played no human ever thought of. 

Why is this not a fear that is awknowledged more? I am more scared of AI attempting to play the role of a human being and manipulate others for a unkown greater outcome, than I am of it taking my job. To say that AI will not can not replace humans is crazy on some level, because what if it does happen? What if the technology gets to be that good that it has to ability to take control of the humans that are controlling? 

I just think that there are a lot of unknown factors connected to AI and no one is 100% confident in their answers and at the end of the day we should be scared of artifical intelligence. It's an unknown terroritory and not having the answers is better then giving false hope. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Social Media and Privacy: The Cost of Our Freedom

In today's digital world, nothing is private. As individuals, sharing our lives on the internet for others to see has become like second nature to us. But how much do we really know about privacy, and if we were more aware of the dangers, would we be as open to the world?

We all know how powerful the internet is, but with power can come danger, and the digital world is a scary unknown territory for most. For the most part, the internet has done amazing wonders for communication, by allowing two people on opposite sides of the world to connect and stay in touch. 

The internet has also radically changed the way our education system operates. It allows individuals to educate themselves on a range of things like healthcare, politics, and even pop culture with just a simple search on the computer. Of course, however, the biggest influence to come out of the internet is the rise of content creators and influencers. Social media has taken over the world. Regular people now have access and the opportunity to grow as people, and they have the platform to voice their opinions. This leads to the realization that we are not alone in our thoughts and our beliefs, but it also takes us on a path of change. Change that would not happen if we didn't publicly advocate for certain things. 

With all of the good that the internet has done for us, and continues to do, we have to talk about the downside. Which is privacy, or the lack thereof. We would all like to believe that our information is safe and that our privacy is protected. But just because we pretend like the government doesn't know everything doesn't make it true. The government is watching, is listening in on our conversations, and is using that information to their advantage. 

Juan Enriquez connects what we post on the internet to tattoos. Tattoos are permanent, they are reminders and reflections of who we are as individuals. When a person makes the decision to get a tattoo, it's careful and thought out. 99% of the time it is not a rash choice. So Enriquez asks us to consider treating our digital footprint as a tattoo. He questions why we are not more careful with what we post and share online. I mean think about it, really think about it, because whether we want to live in denial or not, the internet and our digital profile are a direct reflection of who we are. It can and will come back to haunt us.

Think about all of the times that you have heard a story about a young boy in college who did something, meaningless and stupid at the time, who now has to pay the price for the rest of his life. One post, one simple post ruins his chances of having a good job and is now permanently etched into his identity, much like a tattoo. 

As modern technology advances so do the dangers connected to it. We are all aware on some level that the government is watching and listening in on our conversations. Just the other day I was on the phone with my mom, and I told her that I was going to my boyfriend's. As soon as I got into the car, Google Maps showed me the quickest way of getting there.  Now in a normal perfect world where the government wasn't spying on us, I would have freaked out. But unfortunately, it's a societal norm to be aware that the government is always watching us, using our information against us, and selling our information to marketers. 

Catherine Crump talks about the dangers of modern technology and what the government is doing with our information. So what is the government doing with our information? Most people assume that you have to voluntarily put information out there, in order for the government to be able to access it.

 But Crump shows us that simply driving can give the government access to our identities, it can reveal your deepest darkest secrets, secrets that were always meant to be kept behind closed doors. Technologies on location can tell us if you go to therapy, or an AA meeting. This tells us that voluntary or not, the government can piece together every bit of our lives. So what does this mean for us? On the outside, it may seem mundane, the majority of the population, if asked is not all that worried about the government knowing personal information about them. If it doesn't directly effect an individual in the form of identity theft or fraud, or if they feel as if their privacy hasn't been directly affected then indivudals are okay with living in denial. They are okay with knowing that the government's knowledge of them is very minimal. 

But what if we learned that the government was handing our our information to local police departments and big companies like Facebook, and what if we learned that based on the information that is given to them, they make certain decisions about who we are as people. If we knew the extent of what information the government is occupying, then we would fight back. We would demand real change. The government is supposed to protect us, they are not supposed to be watching us behind closed doors and giving that information to other people. It starts out that way, but soon instead of just selling our private information and using it against us, it will also be about what we write down, what we say, what we think. Soon the government, will control and punish us for simply having an opinion.

How do we protect ourselves, when it seems like there is no way of keeping anything remotely private? The first step is to admit, in it's entirely that the government knows everything. We can't advocate for real change or even protect ourselves if we are living in denial. Surveillance and government knowledge may never go away, it actually may increase as time advances. But we need to get better at protecting ourselves from hackers, stalkers, criminals etc. 

The best way to protect ourselves is to build better networks that are secure as possible. This means that there will be downsides in the future. Encryption will get harder to hack, and it will make it more difficult for the police to catch criminals. But it is better than living in a world where a simple phone call is monitored. Chistopher Soghoain excourages to use the resources that we already have on our phones. Most companies have encryptions in place with the default mode already turned on. So the best way to protect ourselves is by protecting ourselves. We need to start securing our phone calls and text messages. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

EOTO: Communications Tech Timeline

The evolution of technology, much like the evolution of people, has profoundly changed the way that society operates. As time progressed, people grew to have a better understanding of the world that we live in.  Pioneers decided to change the way that people communicate, because we need that human connection almost as much as we need air to breathe. From the invention of the printing press, to the revolutionary era of the internet, each technological advancement has shared a new better way of spreading ideas and connecting with others.

There will always be those people who disagree with the path that modern technology has taken us. For every positive outcome that arises out of technology, there are five negative ones. From the biggest concern, such as the protection of privacy to smaller but still impactful affects like mental health concerns and worries about the lack of social interactions. Everyone one has something to say about the evolution of technology and what it is doing to us as human beings. 

In 1440, Johannes Gutenburg made a name for himself and for the printing press. If you do a google search of the printing press you will find that credit is given to Gutenburg for it's invention. But that is not entirely true. Between the years, 1039 and 1048 AD, Chinese engineer Bi Sheng invented the world's first ever movetable type of printing. 

He replaced the panels of the printing blocks with individual characters that could be reused. After Sheng, Wang Chen decided to take his invention and improve it. In 1297 he created a process that would use wood, making it more durable and precise. He also created a revolving table for typesetters to create more efficiency which led to a greater speed in printing. 

After Bi Sheng and Wang Chen created the technology, the printing press did not appear for 150 years. Johannes Gutenberg was a goldsmith and inventor, who became a political exile in Germany. He began to experiment with printing and unlike Wang, he used metal and printing blocks with each letter creating the first movable type in Europe. In order to make his invention work and have the ability to develop in large quantities, Gutenberg had to create his own ink, and find a way of using a winepress to flatten the paper for printing. 

    Before the printing press, the creation of books were very expensive and rare to make. Each book, and copy had to be done by hand and that was very time consuming. So when Gutenberg created the modern printing press it made it a possibility to produce books and other texts in a more efficient and less expensive way. Texts could now be mass-produced and available to the lower and middle class. Because books were expensive to make only the rich could have the ability to purchase them, which lowered the overall access to literacy and education.  Thanks to Gutenberg, those who weren't rich could now have afford the opportunity to be introduced to books, newspapers and much more. This improved the overall increase of education.

Gutenberg had a problem however, he died before he could figure out a way of making his printing press profitable. His creditors gained his invention and therefore its problems. They came up with a way of using the printing press, to spread news and information to other countries. The idea was to sell newspapers, pamphlets, books etc. to ship captains leaving port. As soon as these ships arrived at their designated location, the locals in town would copy the literature and spread them to others. 

Since the access of literature to all was relatively new at this point, the majority of people still could not read. So people would go to pubs and listen to readers read the news of what was going on. This changed and introduced the idea of consumption-- it made it normal to check in on what was happening every day. 

 With the creation of a new form of technology, means that those who are "silenced" can now have a platform to voice their opinions. Radical voices were the first to jump at and endorse the idea of the printing press.  Before it was easy to censor individuals, all officials had to di was get a hold of their notebooks and burn it. It became harder to do, after the press was invented. It was dangerous and difficult to destroy dozens if not hundreds of copies. The printing press also created the illusion of mystery and danger. The more dangerous a book was, the more people wanted to read it. 

Some historians believe that the invention of the printing press, introduced the world to the idea of machines stealing jobs. Scribes were in high demand and bookmakers would employ dozens of people to hand make, copy and illustrate manuscripts. The press took those jobs away and while I can understand the notion, I don't necessarily agree with it. The press created a whole new influx of jobs. Jobs such as printers, booksellers and even a printer's apprentice which our future founding father Ben Franklin had.  The printing press introduced the world to the idea of spreading literacy, and sharing news, and we should be very grateful that it was invented, because it only got better from there. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Eight Values of Free Expression

 The Eight Values of Free Expression:        

1. Marketplace of Ideas
2. Participation in Self-Government 
3. Stable Change 
4. Individual Self-Fulfilment   
5. Check on Government Powers 
6. Promote Tolerance 
7. Promote Innovation 
8. Protect Dissent 

Stable Change

I am very passionate about creating peace and keeping it. There is so much anger and hatred that is flooding throughout this country, and it's very heartbreaking to watch. How did we even get to this point? We as the American people, wholeheartedly believe that the only way to get our message across is by creating violence. The First Amendment specifically states that we have the freedom to have opinions and make statements without being punished. So why does it feel like we are moving backward? I don't feel like I can truly say how I am feeling,  or share my thoughts on a certain subject, because I know that I will be judged, shamed, and potentially even canceled for it. 

When peaceful protests like the George Floyd protests, turned violent and mimicked the Civil Rights Movement, when hundreds of individuals gathered together and stormed the Capitol on January 6th, these were acts of anger. The American people were fed up with how the government was acting and they were tired of not being listened to, so they decided to take it upon themselves to do something that would get the attention of the United States government. 

There is a clear difference however between both of these situations, but they share the same underlying motive. The motive is that if the government allows us, to express our emotions on certain events, get angry,  allow us to speak our minds, and then have the opportunity to do something about it. There wouldn't be this much violence circulating throughout the country. The government has no right to act shocked when people create violence and retaliate against them. They had it coming because all we want is for our voices to be heard, for justice to be served and for us to have a reason, any reason to still believe and trust that the government is protecting us and does have our backs fully. 

When George Floyd was brutally murdered, it shocked the country. It angered people because, in terms of racial discrimination, enough was enough. No real change was occurring and it almost felt like we were back in time. Not much was being done, at the same time to bring justice to Floyd's killer. So people used their power and their right to free speech and peacefully protested the answers that the government was refusing to give us. Things however did not stay like that for long, because governmental officials got involved, and tried to stop the protests from happening. Peaceful protests that were well within the constitutional rights of an individual were interrupted and wrongfully so. George Floyd's protests were reasonable and justifiable; the Capitol attack was illegal and not protected by the First Amendment in any way shape or form. So I understand the backlash on that situation because the intention was there but the execution was not protected under the constitution.

I believe that for the sake of this country, the government has to let individuals express their First Amendment rights. They must allow individuals to voice their opinions, state the things that they want to say, have protests, etc. because if we don't the next war that the United States will be involved in, will not be a war with another country. It will be a war with each other. 

Promote Innovation: 

I am the most comfortable when I get to be creative, and I have the opportunity to express myself. I believe that allowing people to not only speak freely but to be creative in a freeing way can allow us to live in a society that is filled with joy and love. It's sad when you are shunned and denied the opportunity to just be who you are, or even have the opportunity to discover what you like and the kind of person that you want to be.  I think that this idea of "who we are" and the people that we want to be starts in the homes and within the communities. If we can't speak freely at home, or if we are not allowed to be creative in any aspect then do we really have freedom? Are we given the tools and the opportunities to become diverse individuals who have the power to change the world? It almost feels as if this value could be the basis for a dystopian movie. Where the government controls what you say, how creative you can be, and what you are allowed to think about. 

People misunderstand the power and the value of small communities.  When communities are filled with hope, acceptance, and openness it allows for more people to not be afraid of who they are. It allows them to gain a new perspective on the world, and it allows them to see that not everyone is out to censor them. People also misunderstand the power that they have within themselves when they become the people that they were meant to be. When you finally come to the realization of who you truly are, that in my opinion is more powerful and will have a more significant effect on society than anything else. And if we are a country that fought for our freedom and created a constitution that is around promoting and ensuring that we are free, why are we so against creativity, and people being themselves? Why are we acting as if we live in a dictatorship?

Individual Self-Fulfillment

I would not have my identity if it weren't for free speech. I think I take for granted the power of freedom.  I can explore and express myself in ways that people in other countries can't. I am blessed with the opportunity to go on a journey of self-discovery and growth and know that I have the First Amendment to thank. The First Amendment does not just promote freedom of speech, it almost promotes individuality and diversity. It does so by allowing us to create our own thoughts, opinions, preferences, and goals all while helping us to be the best version of ourselves. It promotes this idea of identity and who we want to be because in the end the type of people that we become can and will have lasting impacts on the world. So as the First Amendment allows us to be different and actually wants us to be different it is very much working in favor of itself. Think about it, if we have a system that puts the lives and values of its people above everything else, then the very system that molded our lives and the journies that we have gone on, is the system that will we fight hard to protect in the future. The future which may or may not be filled with violence, censorship, and sensitivity to freedom, may come sooner than later at the rate we are going. 

To put it into simpler terms, the First Amendment is not about protecting speech, it's about protecting the person and it's about promoting and creating a safe, pleasant environment for everyone in society. This safe environment will then give individuals the key to discovering who they are without punishment. Once people have gone through their journey of discovery and they have found that they like skydiving but not blueberries then, only then will the government feel as if their job is complete. They have created an entire country of different individual people who are separate in every way possible but can come together. They can come together and advocate for the very Amendment that made them the people that they are today and I think that it was the government's plan all along. 


The Supreme Court and The United States

The Supreme Court in Washington D.C
 As a society, how much do we really know about the Supreme Court? Through research that I have conducted for class, I know that it is very rare to become a Supreme Court Justice. To even be considered for the position two things must occur. One of the 9 acting judges has to die and the current President has to nominate you. 

This video provided me with a ton of new information. Information that I believe every person should be aware of, before having conversations involving the court.  I was shocked to learn that in the course of 200 and something years, the Supreme Court has only had 112 Justices. This fact only can show you just how prestigious and highly regarded this position is. It is not to be taken lightly, and individuals shouldn't just assume that it's like any other judgeship. I was also surprised to learn that nearly 7,000 cases are considered within the Supreme Court, but the justices only accept 100. 100 out of 7,000 that is remarkable, I can't even imagine what the screening process would look like for that. How does one even decide which case will go through and which will not? 

A big misconception that was debunked during this video, can shed some light on which cases get picked. We all assume that the Supreme Court takes on cases and resolves issues as they see fit. But that is far from the truth. The Supreme Court takes on issues that have been brought to their or society's attention.  Abortion is the biggest case that the Court has had to deal with, it was an issue before Roe v Wade and it's still an issue now that it's overturned. But it's not an issue that stemmed from the Court, it stemmed from the American people. The judges are just now the ones who have the power to deal with it and resolve it. 
The current 9 Supreme Court justices 

Watching the videos opened up a new perspective for me when I look at the Supreme Court judges. I see them as people, who work incredibly hard daily. Sandra Day O'Connor said that being a Supreme Court Justice was remarkable. She said that the justices look at every single case that is given to them.  They look at every single case with the same consideration and opportunity. That must take a lot out of a person and just because these people are held to the highest regard, does not mean that we should treat them like God. They are humans doing a job just like everyone else, only the outcomes of their jobs have the power to change the country and our legal system.  

If I am going to take anything away from this video, it's the unspoken relationship between the American people and the Supreme Court. When the Supreme Court makes a ruling or speaks on a certain issue, the American people listen. If we the people stopped listening, or if the Court stopped defending the Constitution, then the very freedom that we have will cease to exist. There is no freedom, without the Constitution, and that is why we have Supreme Court judges to protect the document that gives us the freedom that we have. It's a two-way street and some don't understand that, we can't get angry at the Court for protecting our rights. If we stop listening, then we are essentially saying that the Court and its decisions don't matter, so therefore our freedom doesn't matter, the rights that we have don't matter, and the Constitution doesn't matter. So then what are we left with, what happens if we get to that point?


Top Five Sources of News and Information



We live in the new age of technology, where it makes it easy to access news and information, with just a simple click. The advancements that have been made in technology have made living easier than in comparison to other generations. We have come a long way from using the word-by-mouth method to receive our news. Today, the second you open your phone you can know within seconds what is going on 2 miles or 2,000 miles from you. There are numerous ways in which we can receive our information, and how we choose to get our information says a lot about who we are, how we perceive the world, and even the technology that we use. 

#1 Tiktok 


TikTok has not only taken over my life( much like everyone else on this planet), but it has also changed my life. Growing up, I was never interested in watching the news, I found that trying to do so made me bored, and 75% of the time I would just fall asleep. News channels are bottomless pits and I wanted no part of that, so I never watched the news when I was younger. Back then I would get my information through my parents or my friends who watched the news, so I would rely heavily on them. But now I have social media apps like TikTok to thank. I am hooked on staying up to date with current events. 

I use TikTok daily, and 95% of the time it's just simply for pure mindless entertainment. But every once in a while I get information about current events, that are not celebrity or entertainment-related, and it reels me in. I get so hooked, that I exit TikTok to look at other social media apps for one of two reasons. The main reason that I do this, is to double-check that what I have just watched is in fact true. The second reason I do this is to dig deeper and learn as much information as I possibly can about said event. 

I was scrolling through TikTok a few days ago when I came across this video. It was a video of DWTS Pro Artem Chigvintsev being arrested for a domestic violence incident. At first, I didn't believe it, because sometimes TikTok publishes false or misconstrued information. So I just kept scrolling, until I saw another video covering the same information. So I did what any sane person would do, I closed the app and went straight to Instagram. And there it was the story that I thought was not true. So I investigated some more on Google and I learned two things: the first is that this is a very tragic story and I hope everyone involved is okay and two that this is the exact reason why I will always use TikTok as a source of information. Not only does it keep me engaged in the story, but it allows me to work on my investigative and research skills. I can constantly be up to date, and work on telling whether or not a story is good or bad. 

#2 Instagram 

Much like TikTok, I use Instagram for pure entertainment. What makes this app different, however, is that I can use it as a way of staying in touch and checking with friends and family. I like using Instagram because I feel that it gives me more access to local small stories than outlets like TikTok do. Following People Magazine on Instagram gives me the most access to those local stories. By simply scrolling through my feed, I was able to discover a story about a man who couldn't sue Disney after his wife died and I became intrigued. What I love about People Magazine and news outlets on Instagram is that not only will they have a post with just a few words to get you hooked, but they will also provide a link to the story, so that if you choose to do so, you can learn about by reading the full article.  My feed is catered with little local stories like the one above and I prefer those in comparison to larger stories shared by almost every news outlet. I feel that I am more interested in those, because not everyone may know about them.

#3 Google 

I love using Google as a source of research. As a criminal justice and psychology major, I am constantly doing research for classes and assignments. So Google is my best friend. But as a source of information in terms of what is going on in the world, I treat Google as a secondary source. When I come across something on social media, I immediately open up Google and do my research. I am fascinated with how Google works and operates. If I simply type in news I am led to countless sites and news outlets covering millions of stories every day. I am given information from NBC NewsCNBC, and  CNN, which allows me to get different perspectives and to have a well-rounded knowledge of what is happening in our world. Something I feel is lacking when we get our information off of social media.

# Friends and Family 

I love to gossip, especially when I am with my friends and family. I am a big advocate for gossiping, I believe that it is important to human life.  When I am with my loved ones we will just sit and talk for hours at a time. Usually, it's about nothing, sometimes it's about what is going on in the world and most of the time it's about what's happening with us and our lives. It may not be classified as national or even local news, but it's still news to us. I love catching up especially since my loved ones are all scattered throughout the globe and our lives look and feel different in terms of where we are living. I love laying in bed and listening to my sister talk about the new guy she is dating, I love it when my jaw drops to the floor when I find out what happened at a frat party that my cousin went to. I think that you need to gossip, stay informed, and just talk about the little things in life when there is so much pain and change happening all around us. Doing this keeps me sane and happy and it also keeps me connected to those that matter the most to me.

#5 Apple News 

It's safe to say that I am never without my phone, if I could I would surgically attach it to my body. I use my phone so much now that  I have made it a daily thing to use the Apple News app, which is something I never thought I would do. I am typically not the type of person who lives off of the default apps placed by Apple. But something about getting a notification from Apple News gives me pleasure. If I used this app religiously I would say that it is my main source of information because if we want to get technical, I get my news first from Apple. As soon as I look at my phone I see notifications from Apple News and my eyes start to wander to see what today's stories are about. In fact, I  learned about Biden dropping out of the Presidential race not from TikTok or Instagram, but from Apple News. It baffles me the chain of events that occur when a piece of news hits the media. For me, it starts with Apple News, my phone pings and I get a notification that I almost always ignore. Then I hit up TikTok and Instagram where I can't ignore the news, even if I tried and then I somehow end up googling the information for 30+ minutes. 

Living in the Age of AI

At it's core there has always been a complicated history between the man and the machine. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, ...